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Join date : 2022-11-01

why are so many women internationals lesbians? Empty why are so many women internationals lesbians?

Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:16 pm
we should be concerned when perverts have taken over our sport.
These are the public perverts  in cricket today.
Who knows how many secret perverts there are?
dyke list - Liselle Lee, marizzanne kapp, dane van neekirk, amy satterthwaite, lea tahuhu, nat sciver, emily brunt, megan schutt, jess holyoake, ashleigh gardner, brigit patterson off the top of my head.
surely that is insanity.
Are heterosexuals being recruited by cricket authorities and converted into dykes or are dykes attracted to cricket for some odd reason?.
homosexuals go to  hell . theres no doubt about it in the bible
So  are these dykes trying to overturn gods law by making their perversion as popular as possible?
a vain hope.
or are they flouting themselves in one last hurrah?

And why does marizane kapp praise jesus when she wins man of the match?
or any time she gets her head on tv for that matter.
She will burn in hell for her 'lifestyle.
no doubt about it
im damn sure she wont be praising jesus then.
When i pose the cricketing lesbian question on forums i get banned (4 times) and had my own forum taken off the internet.
And yet it was easily the most popular topic - both in views and replies.
Perhaps people have a taste for the macarbe, or perhaps they yearn for the days when their right to free speech in law wasnt usurped by the faggot mafia

Last edited by Admin on Thu Nov 03, 2022 1:51 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : spelling errors)
Posts : 16
Join date : 2022-11-01

why are so many women internationals lesbians? Empty Re: why are so many women internationals lesbians?

Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:19 pm
Posts : 16
Join date : 2022-11-01

why are so many women internationals lesbians? Empty Re: why are so many women internationals lesbians?

Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:21 pm
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why are so many women internationals lesbians? Empty Re: why are so many women internationals lesbians?

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