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Join date : 2022-11-01

women cricketers arent very good Empty women cricketers arent very good

Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:45 am
Such is the push by the powers that be to promote womens cricket that there just arent enough good players to fill a tournament. So bad players have to be picked in order that there enough teams to make a tournament.
Hence the ipl only fielding a handful of teams.
As a result the commentators are forever making excuses for terrible play.
eg she dropped the catch because the sun was in her eyes or she's not used to playing under lights.
in truth she dropped it because she's a shit player.
Who do they think theyre fooling?
This is why they barely scrape together 6 runs an over in t20s. 8 an over is a minor miracle.
But ultimately theyre boring and playing boring cricket.
i very rarely get bored enough to watch it. Why bother
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